Empowering Expeditions: My Borneo Overland Story

I was just a typical Singaporean, with a very fixed mindset of how things work in this world. Never thought that it was a problem at all. In fact, we are always so proud that we have a system, we are efficiency, and we do not waste time and resources.

I was original very hesitant when my friend show me this program and asked me to join. I have never heard of Borneo, in my vague impression, its a remote island that is heavily vegetated, and populated by probably monkeys and elephants, and some tribes and very backward towns and cities.

Man was I wrong. Its not as backward as I thought it was. In fact the balance of modernity and old school charm and the old way of doing things strike the perfect balance where I suddenly realize what I have been missing in Singapore for a long time, the human touch, the village community of life. People acknowledging people as human sharing the same living space than just looking at you as just a statistic and the money that you are going to pay. Old school charms that is so reminiscent of older days in Singapore.

And the nature part of earth. Oh my, I learnt to respect nature and life again. And comprehend our existence in the greater sense. Not to take things for granted. Every rock is a living piece of earth. Every spider web, and moss on the riverside. Beauty in Imperfection.

I felt in love with Borneo.

Office Slave from Singapore.

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